Please let me introduce myself to you. My name is Wayne McDonald. Before I returned to Jesus as my LORD, I was a cowboy and manager on some of the larger ranches in central and south Texas, a pen rider in the feedlots of north Texas, a steer roper, a sales representative for several oilfield companies, owner of an oilfield service company, and a long haul truck driver. Through all of this I was known all over south Texas and Louisiana by the nickname of “Cowboy”. I lived my life trying to fill the giant hole that was in my heart with money, horses, women, whiskey, fighting and wild parties.
Sadly, many people in Texas today are living that same empty, searching, unhappy lifestyle that I once lived. The LORD has given me a heavy burden for these people. The things that once made Texas and America strong, reading God’s Word and praying, have become a great rarity in the world around us today. Prayer and the Bible have been taken out of our schools and become unpopular in modern society. We must return to serving God rather than serving men. Just saying “God Bless America” won’t cut it. We must begin to boldly “walk the Walk and talk the Talk.” We need to reach people that have no biblical foundation.
The LORD had to bring me to my knees, literally, before I cried out to Him with sincerity. I thank God that I grew up in a family where I received a Bible foundation and knew where to run when I could no longer travel the trail I had been following. When I allowed Jesus to have control of my life, He filled that empty place in my heart that the things of this world were unable to fill. I want to be sure that everyone has a copy of God’s Word, where they, too, can find peace and satisfaction from God that the world can’t give.
Through the last ten years, the LORD has used Circuit Rider Ministry of Texas with a two-fold purpose: 1) missionary work in the grassroots of Texas, sharing “The Way for Cowboys”, a Cowboy Bible, with people from all walks of life, and 2) evangelism in the churches to inspire God’s people to make a difference in our state and country.
I give out these Cowboy Bibles at rodeos, hunter extravaganzas, barbeques, truck stops and any other gathering I can find, sharing the love of Jesus Christ and what He has done for me and what He can do for them. I want them to know where they can turn when no one else can help them.
As God opens the doors, I go to events to give away Cowboy Bibles and witness to people about the LORD. I know I can easily give away 100 Bibles in a day! There have been many times I have given out more than 100 Bibles even in a few hours. God promises that His Word will not return void! These Bibles usually go to people who don’t go to church!
I want to reach people who are trying to fill the hole in their life! I know where they are because I have been there! Most of these people don’t talk to anyone about the LORD, except when they are hurting. They usually don’t know a church to go to so they turn to the things that they have with them, and I want each one to have the Word of God with them so that He can soothe them and convict them and they may see the power of the Word of God in healing their hurting. In taking “The Way for Cowboys” Bibles to rodeos, hunter extravaganzas, barbeques and gatherings of all kinds, I am able to do this. But I need your help, and the church’s help, just as Moses needed Hur and Aaron to help hold up his hands according to Exodus 17:12. We must go forth in this spiritual battle. If we don’t build up our own communities with the Word of God, at the grassroots level, we will no longer be able to reach out to other countries in the world. Therefore, I come to you and the churches encouraging each one to become committed standard bearers and prayer warriors for the army of Almighty God, admonishing each individual to cross the line and take their stand as a mighty warrior of God.
If you would like to contact me, please feel free to call me on my cell at 830-279-7755 or write to me at: Circuit Rider Ministry of Texas, P. O. Box 636, Camp Wood, Texas 78833, or email me at wayne@circuitrideroftexas.org. I have references and I am available to come to your rodeo, roping, trail ride, cowboy church or other meeting. I also perform some cowboy-cowgirl weddings upon request. Let’s work together to retake the ground we have lost in the last 35 years! We accept donations of and for distributing “The Way for Cowboys” Bibles.
I look forward to hearing from you! I know that together, we can make a difference in Texas and America!